

賣場編號: 000261

建議售價:$ 200 元
優惠價:  $200
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Fayin Practice Series
The Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra
Chanted by Dharma Master Hsin Tao
破除我執 斷除煩惱

Eliminating delusive passions and self-attachment





The bodhisattva Guanyin
Known in Sanskrit as Avalokitesvara, Guanyin moves and acts freely in the realm of Oneness of principle and phenomena, emptiness and form. Thus she uses her unobstructed faculties to perceive the suffering of sentient beings and rescue all who call upon her.

The Surangama Sutra states that innumerable aeons in the past, when Guanyin had yet to set out on the bodhisattva path,there was a Buddha, also named Guanyin, who inspired the future bodhisattva to arouse the thought of enlightenment.

Thereupon, the Buddha taught her the practice of the universal ear faculty as a way of using hearing and contemplation not only to enter samadhi and set out on the path to awakening,but also to perceive all who are suffering in the world so that she could come to their rescue.




The benefits of chanting the Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra
Due to its conciseness and ability to remove ignorance and delusive passions, the Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra has long been one of the most popular Buddhist commonures in China. Indeed, the Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra condenses the essence of the buddha-dharma into 260 Chinese characters.

Practicing Buddhism means cultivating the wisdom which leads to liberation from all the troubles that we create ourselves. Where do those troubles come from?

They come from our habitual grasping at“me
and“mine.Yet egoism and acquisitiveness only bring more troubles.

All this grasping at“me”and“mine”is the source of greed, hatred, delusion, arrogance, and doubt. A life without wisdom is a life devoted to wealth, sex, fame, food,and sleep. The Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra teaches us how to use the wisdom of emptiness to eliminate our troubles, attachment, and ignorance.

心道法師 靈鷲山開山和尚

心道法師一生致力於推廣愛與和平,陸續成立靈鷲山般若文教基金會、靈鷲山護法會、世界宗教博物館基金會、靈鷲山慈善基金會等,積極投入生命的關懷照護。二○○一年成立全球首座世界宗教博物館,以「尊重每一個信仰、包容每一個族群、博愛每一個生命」為創館宗旨。二○○二年創立國際性非營利機構─ GFLP(愛與和平地球家,Global Family for Love & Peace),


Dharma Master Hsin Tao
The founder of Ling Jiou Mountain

Soon after ordaining as a Buddhist monk, Master Hsin Tao began to emulate the spirit of Guanyin. Through many years of practicing austerities in lonely places he attained deep insight into the illusory and transitory nature of the world.

In his ongoing efforts to promote the ideals of respect,tolerance, and universal love, Master Hsin Tao has also established a number of affiliated organizations, including the Prajna Cultural Foundation, the Dharma Supporter Association, the MWR Foundation, and the Ling Jiou Mountain Charity Foundation. Upon its establishment in 2001 the MWR became the first state of the art museum in the world dedicated to promoting interreligious understanding and harmony. In 2002 Master Hsin Tao inaugurated the Global Family for Love & Peace, an international nonprofit organization working in the areas of interreligious cooperation, disaster relief, and the preservation of sacred sites.

The spiritual teachings of Master Hsin Tao center on meditation (wisdom) and social service (compassion). Thus the practice at Ling Jiou Mountain emphasizes the compassionate power of Guanyin and putting into practice the guiding principle of “A life dedicated to others is a life well lived.”